Budidaya Porang

Budidaya Porang, Sure! Here's a brief blog post content about **Budidaya Porang**: **Budidaya Porang** is the, Tips Trik, budidaya-porang, News Popular

Sure! Here's a brief blog post content about **Budidaya Porang**:

**Budidaya Porang** is the cultivation of the **porang plant** which is an Indonesian native plant. The plant is known for its high economic value and is used in various industries such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The plant has a high content of glucomannan which is a type of dietary fiber that has many health benefits.

To start **Budidaya Porang**, you need to prepare the land where the plant will grow. The location should be under shade with light intensity between 60-70%. The best time to plant porang is during the rainy season which is around November-December. Porang plants do not require special maintenance.

You can get the best porang seeds through agriculture or stores that provide agricultural needs. Make sure to choose the best seeds so that their growth is fast and their tubers are large.