Olahan Bandeng Presto

Olahan Bandeng Presto, Sure! Olahan Bandeng Presto is a popular dish in Indonesia made from the Bandeng fish. It is known, resep-masakan, olahan-bandeng-presto, News Popular

Sure! Olahan Bandeng Presto is a popular dish in Indonesia made from the Bandeng fish. It is known for its soft and tender meat that falls off the bone. The dish is made by boiling the fish in a pressure cooker with spices until it becomes tender and flavorful.

Here are some tips to make sure your Bandeng Presto turns out perfect:
- Clean the fish thoroughly before cooking.
- Use a pressure cooker to cook the fish.
- Add spices such as garlic, ginger, shallots, and bay leaves.
- Cook the fish for at least 45 minutes to an hour.
- Let the pressure cooker cool down before opening it.

You can find more recipes and tips on how to cook Bandeng Presto on these websites:
- [Kompas.com](https://www.kompas.com/food/read/2023/03/12/133600075/8-tips-penting-masak-bandeng-presto-simak-sebelum-mulai-jualan)
- [Merdeka.com](https://www.merdeka.com/jatim/6-resep-olahan-bandeng-presto-ala-rumahan-enak-dan-praktis-dibuat-kln.html)
- [Briliofood.net](https://www.briliofood.net/resep/5-cara-membuat-bandeng-presto-rumahan-gurih-dan-lezat-191030n.html)
- [Cookpad.com](https://cookpad.com/id/cari/olahan%20bandeng%20presto)